The Neverhood Download For Android

Platforms:PC, PlayStation
Publisher:DreamWorks Interactive
Developer:The Neverhood Team
Genres:Adventure / Point and Click
Release Date:1996
Game Modes:Singleplayer

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Take a step into the surreal.

The neverhood game

The Neverhood has that special edge of weird that makes it noticeable in a sea of generic adventure games. For one thing, the visual style isn’t pre-rendered or hand-drawn. Instead the designers present a warped and surreal world, The Neverhood, in full clay animation. Something remotely similar has been done in The Dark Eye, which used grotesque (in a good way) clay puppets to convey a unique brand of weird, and Neverhood follows suit with its own surreal style.

On a superficial level you may call it a puzzle game – clues abound, puzzles are waiting to be solved and odd locations are to be explored. On a deeper look it’s a story about good and evil, greed and patience – about the human condition essentially. Don’t let this scare you. There is nothing heavy handed about this game. It’s simply imbued with heart. On a purely visual level, the animation is absolutely fantastic – from bipedal navigation to cut-scene. Every scene is a treat for the senses. When the cursor is idle for awhile, Klaymen (your alter-ego) does some extremely peculiar things like pulling both his arms back and forth through his torso, or yanking his head off and looking at himself with it.

The gameplay is a perfectly balanced blend of puzzles, with mixed difficulty levels and mostly intuitive solutions, and a few though nuts that require actions in multiple locations. The setting in Neverhood isn’t typical, so the puzzles themselves sometime err on the abstract, but are still interesting by virtue of being so strangely alien.

Included are over 60 puzzles, audio and visual clues, a large variety of fanciful locations, bunches of big clay buttons, telepods, video machines and other odd doohickeys. Should you become stuck, a hint system is available, and is one of the strangest ones ever – just travel to the beginning location and you’ll find a pit containing a roll of toilet tissue and a wastebasket. Rip off a sheet and a subtle hint will be revealed.

‘Art’ is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but if ever a game can be called such, it’s The Neverhood. The game’s stylish brand of weird crafted together with loving passion, retro clay animation and – not in the least – good gameplay all make it a rare catch. Take an ambitious design team willing to take risks (and each of which is probably a touch bent), add a bevy of ridiculous characters and three tons of clay. Mix well…and you’ll find The Neverhood. If you don’t play another adventure, play this one.

System Requirements: 486 33 MHz, 8 MB RAM, 6 MB HDD, Win95

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Tags: The Neverhood 1996 Download Full PC Game Review

The Neverhood looks and plays like a Gumby dream. It's an engaging Myst-style point-and-click puzzle game crafted with beautifully rendered claymation graphics. The result is an engrossing and entertaining exercise in mystery-solving with an eye-popping look (by the design team that created Earthworm Jim) that's fun to play but a little more fun to watch.

Flog Klogg

Shitting between a first-person view and a side-scrolling view, you guide the game's hero, aptly named Klaymen. through a series of puzzles as he endeavors to defeat Klogg, the evil ruler of the Neverhood. The controls are very simple: You point and click on any of the surroundings and in most cases the A.I. does the rest, causing Klaymen to automatically interact with various objects and devices.

This is no twitch game, so brain power, not quick reflexes, is what you need. While some of the puzzles are perplexing, none of them have solutions so obscure that you'll burst a blood vessel trying to solve them. The premium here is on exploration, but the absence of a 'smart cursor' that changes shape when it passes over clickable objects certainly ups the challenge.

An Audio/Visual Feast

The Neverhood Download For Android

The Neverhood Game

The Neverhood's fantastic graphics steal the show. Klaymen and his world were actually sculpted from clay. A dizzying range of seamless facial expressions and physical antics brings Klaymen to life. He runs, jumps, spits, belches, and swings his way through the game. The other characters in the Neverhood are also visually arresting.

Of course, not everything is perfect. The claymation graphics look great in long and medium camera shots, but some images grow a little fuzzy during close-ups. That's a very minor quibble, though, in this otherwise exceptional-looking game.

The sound effects are simple; featuring a nice variety of interactive noises, such as bells, oficers, and footsteps. Jazzy music enlivens the game's pace at key moments, but is thankfully absent when you're faced with perplexing situations (like the hall of records that seems to go on forew) that require deep concentration.

Heyday of Clay

The Neverhood Free Download

The Neverhood is an excellent adventure/puzzle game. Challenging puzzles and situations will provide you with hours of play, and Klay-men and his cohorts supply plenty of character--thanks to superb claymation graphics. You'll wish the Neverhood would never end.


  • After the monster in the courtyard chases you back to the house, he knocks a match off a shelf. Light the dynamite man and push him toward the monster. The monster eats the dynamite man and explodes!
  • Go to the puzzle on the wall and move the pieces around until you form an 'H' When you do, the door opens.

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Overall rating: 8.5